

You Can Never Set Foot in the Same River…

The first time I rowed on the Charles River our man in the seven seat jumped out of the boat and swam to shore with his oar. True story. We were competing in a college head race and had just rowed passed the starting line where the coaches stood watching, under a bridge, and around a corner when his oarlock broke off. He made the decision to jump out of the boat because a month earlier the slide on his seat broke during a race and afterwards our coach gave him hell. ‘If you’re in a boat and you can’t row, get the f*** out of the boat!!’, he yelled. So, he did. When our seven seat got to shore he crawled up the banks, waved to us with his oar in hand, and turned to run back towards the boathouse with all the coaches. Oh, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when he showed up all sopping wet with his oar while his crew raced on without him!

I was delighted with the day’s events and thought it was fantastic story to end my short rowing career. Nobody would remember who won the race, but everyone would surely remember the crazy guy that jumped out of the boat. I was also happy because I had just rowed in the Charles and it brought me back to the day that I first watched a race on the same river.

A few years prior I had moved to Brookline, MA to attend my freshman year in art school. My new girlfriend was visiting so that we could watch the Head of the Charles together. Just before starting the semester, she had given me her class ring as a symbol of her new love, which I proudly wore on my pinky as we walked along the banks of the river holding hands. It was a miserable, raw, drizzly October day, and I couldn’t imagine what it was like for the people on the river, even though I did have this faint sense of envy. How glorious it must be to hear the crowd cheering as you battle your way under a bridge fighting another boat! My sense of envy vanished quickly, however, when I looked down and noticed the ring on my cold raw pinky had slipped off and disappeared somewhere along the muddy embankment. We spend the rest of the afternoon hopelessly looking for it while I felt like a heel.

As good fortune would have it, a kind BU student found the ring several weeks later and shipped it back to the school that was printed on the band. The school, miraculously, was able to return it to its rightful owner by announcing the initials engraved on the inside of the ring over the school PA, and all was right with the world.

I shared the “crazy guy jumps out of boat” story and the “stupid boyfriend loses precious ring” story with my two boys last year when we attended the Head of the Charles for the first time as a family. As we watched the race I began to explain the intricacies of rowing, or at least what I could recall of them. I explained how it’s a sport with a strange combination of power, endurance, finesse, and mental fortitude. I also explained that rowing is a very self-selecting endeavor, which was something I discovered during our first practice when the coach had the eighty-five guys trying out for the team run five miles as a warm up. As I rattled on about the glory days, they heard excitement in my voice and asked if I would someday want to row in the Head of the Charles. Nonsense, I thought, life is just too damn busy, and those days are gone.

Apparently I was wrong, and, oh, if I had a nickel for every time. As luck would have it, those days weren’t gone after all. During this past Summer a motivated, inclusive and joyful organizer at my company started a rowing club, which met one night a week. Upon hearing about the club, I asked my family, over dinner, if they would mind me joining. Before I knew it, I was in a boat for the first time in…gulp… twenty-five years!

After the first practice I realized that on the “totem pole of fitness” my level was in the dirt. I, therefore, started working out more on the erg so that I wouldn’t suck so much wind during our weekly row. As the Summer sessions progressed there was quiet talk of entering a boat into the Head of the Charles with some of the more seasoned club rowers, and not long after I found myself starting to prepare for the largest regatta on earth.

The Summer days got shorter and our practices started to lean into the darkness of night, or begin at dawn as the fog rose off the river; pauses at the half slide, cut the cake drills (which, sadly, do not involve cake), stroke rate drills, and rowing past boat houses that I hadn’t seen from a river since my twenties. While my hands went through cyclical patterns of blistering and hardening from the constant feathering of the oar, I regularly bothered the experienced, powerful, and youthful competitors in the boat with requests on how to organize my endurance training, and I shared anxieties of fitness with some of the “wiser” competitors in the boat.

As race day approached and my preparation was coming to a close, I was thinking how each chapter of my Charles River experiences have been different, and I pondered how it is true that ‘you can never set foot in the same river twice.’ I’m no longer eighteen, or twenty-three, but I am determined to do whatever I can to stay in the boat and keep rowing.

During the morning of the race, as I was trying to find ways to calm my nerves, my wife, once again, gave me her class ring as a symbol of love and support. This time I was determined to not lose it! And as I made my way to the boathouse I was overjoyed with the idea that I’ve already won, regardless of what happens on the river.

Selfie at the Start

Fighting the Wind

Bad Ass Bow Three

Passing the Competition

Thanks to all my teammates for making the Head of the Charles possible and kicking ass!


Music in Five Islands

April in Five Islands, Maine seemed the perfect time and place for recording new material. The costal fishing village is quiet this time of year. Walks along the rugged coast clear the head. And the ol’ house on the ocean resonates with the wooden instruments.

We cleared out a room, set up a studio, turned on mics, ate some lobsters, poured a pint, and played music. Three guys playing tunes for a long weekend. We are excited with the results and hope to share them soon!

Grateful Dead

Brown Eyed Women

A few years back I went on a hunt to find the perfect Brown Eyed Women. After spending evening after evening listening to every version I could find I had come to a conclusion, and without further ado, here was my write-up that I posted on


The 11/4/77 Brown Eyed Women starts with purpose, with all the first staccato notes hit flawlessly. The tempo is not quite as bright as 5/8/77, but what sets this version apart for me is Jerry’s solo. To put it in context you need to listen to the evolution of the BEW solos through 77. In March there were a bunch of ideas, but they were disjointed and tentative, basically Jerry exploring patterns. April started to see some cohesion. By May, things were firing on all cylinders and no doubt beautiful, and 5/8/77 proves this. The 5/4/77 and 5/9/77 solos are also solid and hint to the future. But by 10/2/77 something new happens, the solo starts to sound, to my ears, like a well-crafted short story. If 10/2/77 is a short story, 11/4/77 is the full length feature. Listening to it I feel as though I’m walking down an autumn leaf covered trail with an old friend who is telling me a how he just met the most beautiful woman, and I can hear in his voice that he can barely contain his joy. Everything is vivid, it’s all the best of Jerry’s early 77 ideas, plus new ones flawlessly woven into one. Every note has purpose and meaning and vibrancy. The syncopated descending run in the final pass sprouts unexpectedly out of thin air and as quickly as it materializes it resolves with a decisive and creative conclusion. The 11/4/77 solo is the culmination of many BEWs and a brilliant work of art, a true gem.

Which is better, 11/4/77 or 5/8/77? One is a Safire the other a Ruby. I don’t think it’s fair to say. Enjoy the beauty of both. But for me 11/4/77 just makes me feel good down deep.

11/4/77 – Cotterell Gym – Colgate University

5/8/77 – Cornell

10/2/77 – Paramount Theater

Grateful Dead

Man Smart, Woman Smarter

I was sitting on the car’s hood drinking a Budweiser as Jim crept us down US-Route 20 towards Buffalo’s Rich Stadium to see the Grateful Dead during the Summer 1990 tour. Each dilapidated vehicle in the sloth-like motorcade around us had the windows rolled down and music sprouting from a local station playing a steady stream of Dead. We moved slow enough that I had conversations from my perch with other drivers as we passed, and those on foot were making as much ground as we were, maybe more. As I was irreverently soaking in the scene, the sounds, and the sun, I heard Man Smart, Woman Smarter for the first time. At that moment, I had two thoughts: 

  1. This is a fun Summer party song
  2. They’re right; I don’t see any women risking life and limb atop their automobile. 

A few hours later, we were treated to the same song for real, and the party was in full swing.

7-16-90 Rich Stadium

NOTE: It might take a few seconds for the audio to load after clicking play

On that July day in Buffalo, The Dead’s rendition of the 1930s calypso song had the Heads in a frenzy. Bobby takes the lead on the vocal … until Brent does, and the crowd loves it! His vocals added rock power to the band, and you can hear the drums lift to match his energy. I imagine this rhythm is a blast to play on drums, and at this point in the Dead’s history, Mickey and Billy had about a thousand drums on stage to generate sound from. It’s fun to hear how they work off each other in this setting. We also hear Jerry’s MIDI synth guitar rig on the solos, which first made its debut a year prior. Phil’s bass is driving, and Brent’s Hammond B3 radiates through the stadium’s summer air.

On this night all’s right with the world. Unfortunately that feeling was short lived as Brent passed away ten days later.

8-7-82 Alpine Valley Music Theater

Man Smart, Woman Smarter was added to the Dead’s repertoire in 1981, just a hint over halfway through their career with Jerry at the helm. While it isn’t a song that comes to mind first for most Heads, it was played over 200 times between ’81 and ’95, probably because it has the kind of swing that makes everyone want to dance.

This funky version from ’82 boogies with spicy interplay between Brent’s keys and Jerry’s guitar. I can get behind this. If this doesn’t make you look forward to Summer, I don’t know what will.

9-18-1987 Madison Square Garden

This is a party. But if you’ve ever seen a rock show at MSG, then you won’t be surprised. It has a big arena feel from the start. This version get’s props for the vocal breakdown at the end. Without Brent, I don’t believe they would have been able to pull it off. For the new guy, he was pretty good!

Grateful Dead

China Cat Sunflower

In the pantheon of Grateful Dead music, it’s hard to overstate how essential China Cat Sunflower is to the catalog. There isn’t another song on earth that sounds like it. Consider that for a moment. What song sounds like China Cat Sunflower?

In art and music, there is a continuum throughout history. You can look at an artist or a piece of artwork and uncover its ancestors. For example, Pablo Picasso’s towering anti-war painting, Guernica, a masterpiece of 20th-century painting, was clearly influenced by painter Paul Cézanne, who influenced Cubist painter Georges Braque. The influence of these guys on Pablo is undeniable. You can see a thread of structural integrity across all these paintings.

Likewise, Elvis, often called The King of Rock and Roll, wouldn’t have been the king if it weren’t for The Godmother of Rock’n Roll, Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Little Richard considered her his “greatest influence.” Listen to the electricity ring through her gospel voice and R&B guitar, and try to convince me that rock came from Elvis. My point isn’t to knock Elvis; it is that there is a clear lineage that shows where he came from.

So, back to China Cat Sunflower – what is the ancestor? It seems singular, and not much in the art world is singular. That is not to say the creation of China Cat wasn’t influenced by previous work. Surely it was, but whatever influenced it has been obscured by the Dead’s astral approach to noise making. I always loved the quote, “The Dead aren’t the best at what they do; they are the only ones that do what they do.” China Cat Sunflower is a living embodiment of that sentiment.

So, while books could be written about the significance, intricacies, and nuances of this musical anomaly, I’ll leave it to you, the listener, to take in some China Cat Sunflower highlights through the ages. However, instead of going all chronological on this one, I will throw down the gauntlet and start hot.

6/26/1974 – Providence Civic Center

NOTE: It might take a few seconds for the audio to load after clicking play

This performance is a beast, and I’m recommending a way to listen to it. Try the following experiment using headphones; Pick a player, and follow them with your ears for a bit, then pick another player and follow them. See if you can devote some time to each musician.

Here is a roadmap to help set you up with this experiment. The first notes in the left ear are Jerry on guitar. Bobby is towards the right playing the classic China Cat riff. On the far right is Keith on Piano. Up top in the middle is Billy on drums, and down low, slightly left of Billy, is Phil on bass.

This might be difficult because each instrument is fighting for your brain’s attention as they seem to think they are each in the lead. However, the recording quality is excellent, and there is great separation between all the instruments. As you get better at this, you’ll hear all the instruments individually and simultaneously how they weave together and respond to each other. It’s like a grand optical illusion for your ears where depending on your focus things shift. The experiment is worth the effort because you will never hear the Dead the same if you get good at this.

Some other China Cat’s that you should listen to:

8-27-1972 Veneta, Oregon

Not only is this the one of the most revered China Cat’s from one of the most revered shows of all time, the show was also documented on film. If you’re not too distracted by the swinging dicks and the burnt boobied freaks, there is some great footage of the band unceremoniously ripping through this scorcher like it’s just another normal day in the sun. But as you can see, it is far from normal!

Not only was the music great, but the next time you are having a yogurt for breakfast, you can thank the Grateful Dead. The Veneta concert raised money to save a local farm that was ultimately responsible for distributing and making yogurt famous.

1-27-1968 Carousel Ballroom

NOTE: It might take a few seconds for the audio to load after clicking play

During 1968, firmly embedded in what is known as the “Primal Dead” era, the band played the Carousel Ballroom a dozen times. On this date, they played China Cat Sunflower for the first time, but from their blistering performance, you’d never know it was the first.

Instead of segueing into I Know You Rider, which became a standard through the decades, their maiden voyage of China Cat flowed seamlessly into the first performance of a song called The Eleven. This recording has the fuzz and grit of the late sixties and Tom Constanten on the Hammond B3 organ. This was a dangerous band in 1968, and you can hear that on this early China Cat.

7-17-89 Alpine Valley Music Theater

NOTE: It might take a few seconds for the audio to load after clicking play

Let’s jump to a late ’80s version of the song. Compared to the 3000 people ballrooms of the sixties, the Dead are now playing in 40,000-person outdoor amphitheaters like this one in Wisconsin.

Some other differences to note: There are now two drummers. The keyboard of choice is a piano combined with some synthesized sounds commonly heard in the ’80s. In addition, Garcia’s guitar sound was much different in the late ’80s and ’90s. He had developed a more staccato style of playing with short stabbing notes. He had also developed a way to quickly slide his finger down a string hitting a few notes rapidly, which became a signature sound of his late life guitar playing. A great example of this can be heard at 4:47 in this version.

So, there you have it. China Cat Sunflower through space and time, just the way the Dead intended it! Happy listening.

Grateful Dead

Peggy O’

I have a love/hate relationship with Peggy O’. Of the 265 times it was played, there are perfunctory versions that would have you believe the song sucks. On the other hand, some versions are so sublime that some have commented that the song is likely on “God’s Jukebox.” 

The first Peggy O’ I ever heard was Englishtown 9-3-77. I was commuting to the local state college for evening education, and this was on repeat to and from every class. It later inspired me to record a Celtic/Bluegrass version of the song with my group, Stoneybatter Band.

I later performed my version of the song at a local Irish music session, and as soon as I hit the last chord of the song, an older woman with a harp started singing a similar-sounding folk song called, The Bonnie Lass o’ Fyve-io. As it turns out, the song I thought the Dead penned is actually an ancient Celtic song that Jerry Garcia adapted. Jerry was forever a student of all music and loved traditional music from around the world. He was also an early supporter of traditional Celtic music in America, inviting The Chieftains to open for his bluegrass band Old And In The Way in the early 70s.

The first known recording of the Dead’s Peggy O’ was 12-12-73.

12-12-73 The Omni

In their inaugural version, they play it with an upbeat swing shuffle feel, with drums accenting the backbeat. This approach makes it danceable and something you might tap along to, but it does sound like the first time they ever played it together.

In their second performance, 12-18-73, we hear the Dead already slowing the song down and hinting at the gorgeous ballad it would become. The first performance sounds like they are learning the fundamentals of the music, and, other than not playing it badly, there is nothing extraordinary about the performance. Kinda a beer break song. The second performance feels like music, where the exploration begins. Phil has more robust ideas, Jerry’s voice starts to settle in, and he, notably, takes two separate solos testing new directions. The band is also starting to understand the potential. You might have been disappointed if you were standing in the beer line for this charming version.

12-18-73 Curtis Hixon Convention Hall

It takes a few years for Peggy O’ to evolve from the shuffle to the beloved ballad of unrequited love that it became. 1977 seems to be a high tide year for Peggy O’, though ’78 does have some winners. It was played 27 times in ’77, second only to the 31 times in ’78. The fact that ’77 has more beauties than any other year shouldn’t surprise a seasoned Head, as many argue that 1977 was the best year for the Dead.

A nice Peggy O’ provides a platform for Jerry’s voice and guitar to squeeze as much color out of the ballad as possible. Too fast, and the opportunity is squandered. For example, 12-27-77 is satisfying in many ways but sacrifices some potential drama due to its slightly pushed tempo. However, the blistering solo in this version is hard to argue with. Compare this version with some of the somewhat slower versions from ’77, and you begin to get a feel for how subtle changes could morph a solid song into something of exquisite beauty.

12-27-77 Winterland Arena

In great Peggy O’s, we also hear Phil moving the bass line as a counterpoint to Jerry’s melodic prowess. The two lines move in different directions as if they have a life of their own but somehow seem to work together serendipitously.

A brilliant Peggy O’ has each instrument traveling its own path, but all connected to one head, like the tentacles of an octopus.

Of course, there is no such thing as “the best,” but with all that said, here are some versions that offer a window into how beautiful and entrancing this pretty Peggy O’ indeed was:

5/22/77 – The Sportatorium

This Peggy O’ has it all. It’s the octopus. If your hair doesn’t stand on end by the 4:20 mark of this gem, then we are listening to different things, and that’s ok.

Bill and Mickey set the train on its track from the start, and then Phil’s bass sets the tone for what’s to come. Jerry always said that if Phil was on, the band was on. Phil is on. With Phil holding down the bottom, Jerry can drop in and out as needed during the verse and achieve full lift-off during the solo. When Jerry felt creatively melodic, he was inspired to go a few extra rounds on a solo, each time getting progressively more potent with his note selection. In this version, he could have ended after round two, and everyone would have been happy, but he was feeling it and smokes the third repeat, and the band will not let him down while he’s doing it. Jerry’s voice has the fragile sadness of a weathered storyteller sharing his heartbreak. Bobby sings a subtle but perfectly in-tune harmony early in the song, rare for the Dead, and The Kid’s anti-rhythm guitar pokes in and out to accent empty moments between the vocals. The piano moves around like an unsuspecting riptide, and the drummers are not keeping time as much as they are groovin’ with purpose. A nice nuance in the drumming is Mickey’s marching band rudiments in the quiet verse towards the end of the song. It’s gooey Dead goodness at its best.

5/9/77 – War Memorial Auditorium

This is arguably one of the greatest shows ever, and the Peggy O’ doesn’t disappoint. It could be more gentle, contemplative, or slightly sadder than 5/22/77. A nice feature of this is the lovely piano that shines through. You can also hear those marching rudiments come through early in this song. Depending on your mood, this might be a more appealing version than 5/22/77. It’s worth comparing, and I’d always keep the station on if this were playing.

6/4/77 – The Forum

This one will challenge you a bit more as it is an Audience tape and not a Soundboard, and you get to hear little time capsules like the girl at the beginning wondering out loud if “We’ll ever hear China Cat again.” There is no soundboard available for this show, but many claim it is one of the great shows of 1977. The show has been a bit lost in time because of the audio quality. Where the others are a bit like keeping your peas and carrots separate on the plate, this is a hot steaming stew. However, if you let your ears adjust and picture yourself in the venue, with sound reflecting off the cavernous walls, you can hear a stellar Peggy O’. Maybe it is the fact that someone pointed a mic to Jerry’s guitar amp, or perhaps it is just that Jerry slays it, but the solo on this has a grit that the others don’t. If you were to argue that there was one sour note with this solo, it is the second one. He, amusingly, slides up to a note that is higher than he might have liked but immediately rights the ship and uses that moment to dig in and launch into something extraordinary. What Garcia is doing with this stunning solo is finding the melody around the melody. He navigates to the 3rds and 5ths above and below the melody, which has the effect of creating a new melody that is in perfect harmony with the primary melody. This type of musical counterpoint is very Baroque and was the hallmark of Bach, and Jerry finds it on the fly. It’s brilliant. At the end of this performance, you hear how joyous the audience feels about it all. Such a sweet moment. How nice it would have been to see this one live.

These are just a few of my favorites, but I’m curious to hear your thoughts. Happy listening!


The Blackburnian

This is a tune that was published with our most recent book. We are experimenting with ways to offer free music. Click on the music below to access a free PDF download.


A Year for the Birds

No doubt this year has been brutal in unprecedented ways, but one upside for me is that I’ve spent more time outside than any year since my youth. When you spend a lot of time outside you start to pay attention to “outside” things because, well, you’re spending so much damn time outside. Birds, they’re outside. Never paid much attention to them before. Couldn’t really identify them in the past. But this year, that all changed. For some embarrassing proof, I recently had this random bird conversation with a stranger I encountered as I was roving through the woods:

Stranger: “Just beyond the trees there’s a lake with Buffleheads”

Me: “Thanks, yeah, I saw the Buffleheads there last week, along with a Hooded Merganser”

Bufflehead 1-10-21

Hooded Merganser 1-3-21

I’m not sure how the stranger knew that I would know what a Bufflehead was, maybe it was the binoculars draped around my neck, but I can’t be sure.

For further proof, I was entering a bucolic field in the hometown of the American Revolution, Concord, MA, and a woman spritely said to me, “are you here to see the Bobolinks!?” Yes, I responded, but I suspect I’m a few weeks early and that the little voyagers may still be on a flight from Argentina.

How could she be so bold to assume I was there to see those rice eating “butter birds”? Maybe she had zoom lens envy.

Anyhow, I’m a bit embarrassed, but it may be official…it could be that I’m “a birder”. If anyone in my family had any lingering doubts about this, they may have been erased with the events that transpired today.

This morning, as I was frothing the cream for my latte, and swiping through Facebook to see what my nine-hundred and eleven “friends” were doing, I noticed a comment directed at me that read, “Congratulations – great shot!”. And then another with a simple graphic:

Confused, I swiped to the top of the post to find that I had won a photography contest for this photo:

Bald Eagle 3-13-21

I was perplexed because I hadn’t knowingly entered a photo contest. However, I had been submitting bird photos to a like-minded photo group on Facebook, which apparently picks a winner each month. Suffice it to say that I will now be putting “Award Winning Photographer” on my resume, and I plan to sit back while the royalty checks roll in.

All kidding aside, it feels healthy to get outside, and to be actively engaged in what is going on around you, whether it be 25 degrees or 70 degrees. There is a rhythm happening out there that we are largely unaware of. The ebb and flow of nature is happening everyday even if we’re not paying attention to it. It feels like a blessing to have the time and wherewithal to focus on it.

Anyhow, in no particular order (except for the Pileated Woodpeckers first ‘cuz they are freaking epic), here are the best or most interesting photos I’ve taken of each species I’ve seen…and be forewarned, not all are award-winning!

Pileated Woodpeckers

Tree Swallow

Mother Loon feeding baby

Leucistic Black-Capped Chickadee

Black-Capped Chickadee

Great Blue Heron Pair

House Finch – Male

House Finch – Female

Juvenile Cooper’s Hawk

Red-Winged Blackbird

Wood Duck Pair

Scarlet Tanger

Non-Mating American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch

Mute Swan

White-Throated Sparrow

House Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow


White Breasted Nuthatch

Red Breasted Nuthatch

Red-Tailed Hawk

Northern Cardinal – Male

Northern Cardinal – Female

Eastern Bluebird

Mourning Dove

Downy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Ring-Necked Duck

Mallard Duck – Female

Mallard Duck – Male

Tufted Titmouse

Eastern Phoebe

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird – Female

Ruby-throated Hummingbird – Male

Cowbird Pair

Common Merganser

Cedar Waxwing

Gray Catbird

House Wren

Carolina Wren

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Blue Jay

American Crow

Brown Creeper

Canada Goose

Common Grackle – Female

Northern Flicker

European Starling

Ring-Billed Gull

Rhode Island White Chicken

American Robin

Dark-Eyed Junco

American Kestrel


Wild Turkey

Turkey Vulture

Eastern Phoebe

Palm Warbler

Northern Mockingbird


Double Crested Cormorant

Great Egret

Herring Gull

Great Black-backed Gull

Red-breasted Merganser

White-winged Scoter


Greater Yellowlegs

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Blue-headed Vireo


Belted Kingfisher

Eastern Towhee

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Warbling Vireo

Bufflehead at Sunset


Cliff Haslam – New Album from BaconWorks Studio

I’m super excited to announce the release of the very first album from my BaconWorks Studio. The album captures an up-close and personal recording of the acclaimed Cliff Haslam, and is called Golden Golden.

Cliff, born just outside of Liverpool, England, has performed his unique brand of ballads, chanteys and old English folk songs in festivals all over the world. In addition, he has owned Monday evenings at the Grizwold Inn in Essex, CT for over forty years, and it’s an experience not to be missed.

This is Cliff’s second solo studio recording, though he is on many other live albums. His first solo album was released in 1983, so when he announced the arrival of this new record at this year’s Sea Music Festival in Mystic, CT, the audience erupted with applause, and someone yelled out, “Finally!”


It was a real honor and pleasure to work with Cliff on this recording, and I hope that anyone that listens gets as much joy out of the treasure that is Cliff Haslam as I do.

You can order this album directly from, and I suspect it will be on CD Baby soon.