We are making some progress on our tune. I’m working on a final flute track. Josh Dukes tells me he wants to add some guitar backing. Luke is planning on taking my wav files and doing what Luke does. And Unstachio has already put down a bouzouki track on my mp3 whistle track. The sound quality is a bit degraded because he was unable to use the original wav files…but this is just for practice anyhow. It should give you an idea where things are headed.
I hope to have the flute wav files done sometime this week. If anyone is interested in using them for their own experiment please contact me and I will get them to you.
This tune sounds really great.
good to hear. Unstachio is a bit distraught that I posted this low quality version. But a higher quality track is on the way!
Man that sounds cool. I keep A/B’ing it and Greg’s guitar version in my headphones. Fun fun!