One of my most talented and humble friends is about to release his first album. His name is Joshua Dukes and, man, let me tell you, this album is gonna rock. He occasionally sends me tracks as he is working on them and I occasionally quit playing music after listening to them.
Josh tells me the album will be ready in early July but you can email him now if you are interested in getting in line for a copy. I recommend it. His email address is He is also on facebook where you can hear a few of his newest tracks.
Josh had some help on the album from a variety of other talented musicians. Here is the run down:
Josh Dukes – Flute, Guitar, Bouzouki, Bodhran
Sean McComiskey – Accordion
Peter Brice -Accordion
Jim Eagan – Fiddle
Danny Noveck – Fiddle
Brendon Bell – Flute
Patrick Cavanagh – Banjo
Josh was kind enough to send along a finished track prior to the albums release so that I could share with you. This track is a real nice example of his great flute playing. Enjoy.
I know both Josh and Danny and would expect to hear nothing less than the tremendous quality exhibited in this track. Point me to where I can buy the album!
For now I would recommend contacting Josh at
This is bad ass! I am completely impressed by the sound quality of this recording as well as the flow and
phrasing that is being played by Josh and his band. I cant wait to here more