I noticed, oddly enough, that I was getting traffic from facebook.com, even though I had not set up a profile there.
Well, I figured, if it is going to send me traffic…why not set a real profile up. So, without further ado, you can now check out my new facebook profile and become my friend.
While I was at it, I set up a profile at reverbnation.com, where I can promote myself as a “band”. Cool. Watch out Rolling Stones.
Oh, um… well… a while back my daughter asked me about posting a link to Ranzo on a facebook group for her sister’s fife & drum corps (Jr. Colonials) because their director’s voice is so distinctly heard. It didn’t occur to me until now that perhaps we should have run that by you! Oops. I think she or her sister might also have posted the Skip Healy concert one somewhere on facebook, too. There’s a group for people who love their Healy fifes, or something like that, or maybe it was on the group for the fife & drum camp that benefits from the fundraising. Well, it’s called the “web” for a reason… you just never know where you’ll turn up! They don’t really ask permission anymore, just show me stuff they thing I’ll like, so I’ve lost track. I set up an account there a while back to see what it was before they set theirs up and really haven’t used it since. But I do belong to one group… “I am too old for Facebook – but I don’t Care”… hehehe
If I didn’t want this stuff shared, I wouldn’t post it.