My buddy Joe and I have had a handful of lunchtime practices to prepare for our upcoming trip. On the last day of our last practice, during our last run-through of Drummelhund before our trip to Switzerland the building manager of The MathWorks drove up and asked if we were from The MathWorks. ‘Yes’, I replied. ‘Well’, he said, ‘someone filed a complaint about the noise.’ Here is the amusing part. They thought we were an ice cream truck…playing the same tune over and over and over. Well, it certainly is not the first time someone has asked me to stop playing, but this might be the most unique complaint so far. See you in Switzerland!
The world is full of critics Greg — pay no attention to them whatsoever — They just don’t know talent and good music when they hear it — Good luck in Switzerland — Bob G>
just been catching up on your recent posts, good stuff! all the best in switzerland.