I just had this picture sent to me of the Roman theater in which the Ancient Mariners will be performing later this summer.
Doesn’t that look cool! I can’t wait.
Here is the translated advertisement they are running in Basel:
Picnic with Heroes
Tuesday, 14. August 2007 7:30 PM
Swiss Mariners
The concerts of the Swiss Mariners in the Roman theater In Augusta Raurica are unforgettable. The oldest Drum and Fife Corps outside the USA with their traditional American Drum and Fife Medleys will return to the walls of the Roman Theater as to say “back to the roots”.
I’m not really sure I get the heroes bit, but that’s O.k., it is cool anyhow.
Here it is in German if you’re interested:
Picknick mit Helden
Dienstag, 14. August 2007 19.30 Uhr
Swiss Mariners
Die Auftritte der Swiss Mariners im Römischen Theater in Augusta Raurica sind unvergessen. Jetzt kehrt das älteste Drum and Fife Corps ausserhalb der USA mit seinen traditionellen amerikanischen Trommel- und Pfeifer-Melodien in die römischen Mauern zurück – und damit «back to the roots».
What a great venue for a Mariner Concert! Again, memories will be made.
Gig of a lifetime.. wow..