Ok, I was inspired after listening to My Love is in America over at the Irish Flute Tunes blog. Here is my version of it on the tenor banjo. I usually go into Rakish Paddy after this tune but it was getting late and my banjo playing is just too rusty to pull off the second tune.
Nice job Greg- the triplets really came together.. that must be hard to do on strings!! Nice – my son is dancing to you as I type! God Bless xoxo Tara
Thanks, the triplets do take some work and I think I flubbed a few. The great side benefit to practicing triplets on the banjo is that it has made my guitar playing better.
Great site, fair play to you! I look forward to exploring the rest of your tunes. All the best, Michael.
I love that tune. Makes me want to punch out Prince William! HA!