The Last Grand Chorus is a new book of music that was published in July 2016 by Greg Bacon and John Ciaglia. Greg is the author of all the melodies, while John is the master behind all of the harmony arrangements. There are over seventy-five original melodies that are drawn from the traditions of early American martial music, inspired by Celtic jigs, reels, hornpipes, and salted with sounds that hint at the great sea chanties from the past. Each melody is beautifully accompanied with harmonies that are crafted in a style reminiscent of the Baroque era. Each of the 130 pages of music is arranged in four voices.
Listen to a few of the charts that will be included in the book!
Also, Here is an example from the book:
If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please contact me and I will reserve a copy for you. The price is $30.