There is nothing better than hearing live music performed where it was intended to be heard. Fife & Drum is best on an open field, traditional Celtic music is best in a dark, small pub over a few pints, ‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game’ is best with peanuts at the park, root’n on the hometown boys, and Vivaldi is best in Venice with the sound of the un-amplified strings reverberating off stone statues within a charming church just a few meters from the Grand Canal.
Here’s the first movement from a concerto in d minor.
Hi Greg – Discovered your blog and love your music. I tried to subscribe, but repeatedly ran into problems with your spam prevention process; Feedblitz would not recognize the code words generated by the video clip. Are you still accepting subscribers and if so, can you advise me on how to do so? Additionally, I couldn’t use your blog page’s ‘contact’ feature, hence this use of ‘reply’ to reach out to you.