The Electric Seisiun

Clear your schedules, The Electric Seisiun is coming to town this Friday!
the band
We’ll be setting up the L1’s in John Stone’s for an evening of fun music. Come on out, grab some dinner, have a couple of Perfect Pints, and enjoy some of the finest traditional music outside of Boston. We will be looking forward to seeing you there. It will be a special night at John Stone’s!

  • Amy Fitzgibbon

    Greg, the music was so much fun… so beautifully played and I loved hearing your singing voice! Rob and I enjoyed ourselves-it was a fun night out! Your friends were very welcoming!

  • Katie

    You guys were fantastic to listen to as always. Thanks for everything you put into it, it was a great evening. And, so much fun to see your family! Delighted that you were recording. Looking forward to the next one…

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